You’ve found your crew.

Crafting whiskeys as unique as the people who drink them.

Ginger Spice Whiskey

Down to earth with a kick

Looking to add some spice to the same-old, same-old? Our Ginger Spice Whiskey delivers with lively ginger, hints of citrus notes and flashes of earthy spice to finish it off.

Orange Roasted Whiskey

Smashing Whiskey Stereotypes

Gone are the days of whiskey being relegated to cigar-smoking, wheeling-and-dealing businessmen. Our Orange Roasted Whiskey with its citrusy twist and notes of coffee makes it a great choice for anyone looking for something outside the norm or for that one ingredient for the perfect Old Fashion (no muddling needed).

walnut toffee Whiskey

Enjoy on your own sweet time

With our Walnut Toffee Whiskey and its layers of caramel, vanilla, and honey plus bitter notes of nutty walnut, other whiskeys can only dream of tasting so sweet. It all makes for the perfect drink to sip while winding down after a long week or kicking off a great night with your crew.

original rye Whiskey

The one that started it all

Balanced and bold, our Rye Whiskey blends 51% three-year-old Canadian Rye and 49% Kentucky Corn Whiskey for a brave tweak on a timeless taste. It’s the whiskey all other Cask & Crew whiskeys owe their success to. And as the one that started it all, it only makes sense that it has a finish you’ll never forget.

double oaked straight rye whiskey

Doubling Down on Connection

Great whiskey enjoyed with great friends is the best recipe for connection. Our Double Oaked Whiskey delivers. By giving our Straight Rye Whiskey a second dose of new, charred, oak barrel, we allow for a genuine connection between cask and whiskey—and between you and your crew.

Ginger Spice Whiskey

Down to earth with a kick

Looking to add some spice to the same-old, same-old? Our Ginger Spice Whiskey delivers with lively ginger, hints of citrus notes and flashes of earthy spice to finish it off.

orange roasted Whiskey

Smashing Whiskey Stereotypes

Gone are the days of whiskey being relegated to cigar-smoking, wheeling-and-dealing businessmen. Our Orange Roasted Whiskey with its citrusy twist and notes of coffee makes it a great choice for anyone looking for something outside the norm or for that one ingredient for the perfect Old Fashion (no muddling needed).

original rye Whiskey

The one that started it all

Balanced and bold, our Rye Whiskey blends 51% three-year-old Canadian Rye and 49% Kentucky Corn Whiskey for a brave tweak on a timeless taste. It’s the whiskey all other Cask & Crew whiskeys owe their success to. And as the one that started it all, it only makes sense that it has a finish you’ll never forget.

walnut toffee Whiskey

Enjoy on your own sweet time

With our Walnut Toffee Whiskey and its layers of caramel, vanilla, and honey plus bitter notes of nutty walnut, other whiskeys can only dream of tasting so sweet. It all makes for the perfect drink to sip while winding down after a long week or kicking off a great night with your crew.

Double oaked straight rye whiskey

Doubling Down on Connection

Great whiskey enjoyed with great friends is the best recipe for connection. Our Double Oaked Whiskey delivers. By giving our Straight Rye Whiskey a second dose of new, charred, oak barrel, we allow for a genuine connection between cask and whiskey—and between you and your crew.

Some boundaries are made to be broken.

We started Cask & Crew with one goal: to make whiskey something everyone could enjoy. So, we set out to craft blends that were approachable and great tasting. Today, we have five unique blends that deliver just that—whether you’re a whiskey connoisseur or ready to raise your first glass. Want to learn more about our crew and our journey? Check out our story.

Cocktails | Ginger Spice Whiskey

Peachy Keen

2 oz C&C Ginger Spiced Whiskey 2 oz lemonade 1/2...

Cocktails | Original Rye Whiskey

Summer In Manhattan

2 oz Cask & Crew Rye Whiskey Blend ½ oz...

Cocktails | Ginger Spice Whiskey

Ginger Rogers

1 ½ oz Cask & Crew Ginger Spice Whiskey ½...

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